Teaching Your Kids About Infatuation And Heartbreaks

1 min read

Today the primary concern of parents about their teenage child is their infatuation. Infatuation means an attraction, obsession towards someone. The perspective of teen’s life is different from what their parents think. It often becomes a reason behind the conflict between parents and kids, generally about kids. Teenagers mistook true love with the temporary infatuation.

Why is infatuation the primary concern of parents?

The main reason behind infatuation as the primary concern of parents is the distraction of this. These school and college-level infatuations are the primary reason behind children’s distraction in their academics and career. A teenager is more affected by their friend circle. The world of a teenager is far away from reality. They live in a world of imagination where everything is like heaven.

Teach your kid the difference between love and infatuation:

How to talk to your teenage child about love and infatuation | Parenting  tips| Teenage love| How to deal with teenage love| infatuation| teen love

Growing is part of life. This growing up brings a lot of change in teenager’s hormones. And that gets a change in their emotions. A teenager gets attached to someone very quickly, and a sudden change affects them negatively. When someone talks to a teenager nicely or someone, they found attractive. They get attracted towards the. According to them, they are in love. Teenagers mistook this kind of infatuation with love. Parents must teach them the difference between true love and infatuation. Love is about care, support, and it takes time.

The temporary attraction can happen with anyone, but there is an understanding between two people in love. Teach your kid that love is something that their family does. Real love is the love of family and friends that care for them. It is not about just one person. If the infatuation lasts longer, then maybe it turns into love, but it is not necessary. But generally, it did not happen.

How to handle kids during heartbreak and lessons for them:

The first love of a teenager may have a possibility to last forever. But generally, this is not true love. It is just an infatuation or attraction that lasts maybe for some months or some years too. Your teenager will generally not share this type of thing with you until you are close to them. The best thing that a parent can do is to listen to their child. Children get attached very quickly, and their expectations have no end. A sudden change in the behavior of their close person will hurt them.

In these situations, they need you as a friend who listens to them, more than a parent that scolds them. Frankly, talk to them and give them the lessons of love and heartbreak. Teach them the difference between love and that short-term attraction.

A conflict between parents and kids is normal in teenage kids. Generally, the teenager did not talk to their parents about their crush, love, heartbreaks, and things they are going through. A regular talk with the kid will help to keep your kid close to you. But everything can be possible when you talk with your kid nicely. A rough conversation with them will create a distance. So be a friend of your kid and show them the directions of life.

Also Read : How To Support a Kid With Mental Illness?

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